The League of Disgruntled Majors
Now that my site has been officially added to the MilBlogs ring, I did some exploring of some other sites on the ring. If you click "Previous" it will bring you to
The League of Disgruntled Majors. Although there's not a lot on the site just yet, it will be a good one to keep an eye on. Of particular note is the
Manifesto posted by the Grand Poobah.
I have to admit, as a company grade officer and a still-active warfighter, I have often had malicious thoughts about various majors that I have come in contact with. Yet, I also felt pity for them. After all, who
wants to be a major? They are the bitches of the field grade community. They shoulder some of the most difficult and least glorious burdens. They are almost universally despised or pitied by those beneath them, who frequently criticize them and ridicule them behind their backs. Of course they know this, because they did it too when they were still in that blissful status known as "company grade". Anyway, I would recommend keeping an eye on the League and its activities. Why? It's a
League of
Majors for God's sake. Can you imagine a more evil organization? It's like something out of a James Bond movie.
You know, there are only two ranks that wear gold rank insignia - second lieutenant and major. Coincidence? I think not.
The League of Disgruntled Majors